Super Planet Force

An entry for the 200 Word RPG Challenge.

You seem like ordinary teenagers, but together you are SUPER PLANET FORCE!

Choose a unique Robot Part to pilot: Head, Right Arm, Left Arm, Body, Legs. Draw your Robot!

When piloting or acting like your Part, roll 6d6; otherwise roll 2d6. Every 5+ is a success.

  • Head – Leadership, planning
  • Right Arm – Forceful, straightforward
  • Left Arm – Underhanded, subtle
  • Body – Courageous, resistance
  • Legs – Fast, graceful

The episode starts with a mundane issue: bullies, classes, dating, family, friendship.

Then a (Lightning | Fiery | Icy | Poisonous | Cyber) (Dinosaur | Spider | Moth | Ape | Blob) attacks! Describe how you secretly change into SUPER PLANET FORCE.

Take turns describing the monster’s rampage, then attacking it. Successes charge its Rage Pool. At [Players x3], it transforms and doubles the Rage Pool!

Describe your transformation into TECHNO PLANET WARRIOR!

Together you have [Players x6]d6. Choose one Part to act with all dice in their style. Every success destroys a Rage die. If it’s out of Rage, finish with your HYPER PLANET BEAM!

Otherwise, the monster rolls Rage. Each success destroys one of your dice. If you run out, it leaves you injured until next episode. Otherwise, keep fighting.

Describe how the mundane issue is resolved or worsened by the outcome.